Speculating on the future success of a list

Speculating on the future success of a post (through the ad banner) may sound like an interesting approach and a new mechanic, but we have to keep in mind the life cycle of an average post. A post on Facebook or social media may gain momentum but will reach a peak a few hours or days after publishing.

The concept of EventScouts cards and lists are fundamentally different as they are dynamic, similar to ever-growing blog posts, that people access whenever they need inspiration or need to find out the date something is happening. EventScouts serves as a library that people access and that updates people whenever there are relevant changes in something they have previously saved.

Therefore, the life cycle of an EventScouts post (list or card) is actually growing as the creators continue to maintain or even grow the information on it. As the content is interconnected and can be reused by other people it is even possible that there will be network effects building around a post, which makes the idea of “speculating on the future success of a post” much more appealing, because the life cycle (in tendency) is growing and technically without limit.

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